
Monday, January 31, 2005 |
Google rummages through TV shows |
Google announced yesterday that the company is currently testing a prototype service used to search TV programming.The engine dubbed "Google Video" allows users to search across text from TV shows like Fox News and ABC News. Google started indexing TV shows in late December aiming to compete with various other TV search providers.
"Now users can search the content of thousands of TV programs, find the shows that have the information they're looking for, and learn when they can watch them," Google co-founder Larry Page said in a statement.Currently, providers of TV search like Yahoo! and Blinkx TV are said to be stepping up their technology after the Google announcement.
For start your first search, click on photo
Posted in : 1:34 AM
WindowsXP Professional x64 RC1 Available |
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is designed to address the most demanding business needs of technical workstation users who require large amounts of memory and floating point performance in areas such as mechanical design and analysis, digital content creation, and scientific and high-performance computing applications.
Note: The Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - CD will not be available until approximately late February. If you prefer to not wait for the CD version, you are welcome to continue to process your order for the download version.
Posted in : 1:29 AM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 |
Model of the Kaaba |
Iranian women circle a model of the Kaaba, Muslims' holiest site in
Makkah city in Saudi Arabia, as part of a performance during the
opening ceremony of the 1st Women's Games of the Capitals of
Islamic and Asian Countries, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Jan. 23, 2005.
(AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Posted in : 1:02 AM
Monday, January 24, 2005 |
The Muslim Women's Games |
Tehran-About 600 women from 17 countries will participate in the
All-Women's Games for Muslim and Asian Capitals.
Men will be barred from watching all but one of the events. 
For more pictures : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Please click on above photo
Posted in : 7:38 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2005 |
World Art and Worship Photo Exhibition |
World Art and Worship Photo Exhibition to open tomorrow in Tehran. in Tehran tomorrow.
The exhibition will be displaying the 175 entries of Iranian and foreign photographers to the World Art and Worship Awards, which will be presented on January 26 at Vahdat Hall in Tehran. The exhibition will run until February 6.
On the sidelines of the event, the A’iney-e Shahr Gallery will be hosting an exhibition of works on the theme of worship by famous international photographers.
In addition, French-based Iranian photographer Alfred Yaghoubzadeh is scheduled to hold several workshops during the exhibition.
The World Art and Worship Awards is being sponsored by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
Posted in : 7:56 PM
Lawmakers Studying Dress Code Bill |
TEHRAN, Jan. 17--Chairman of Majlis Cultural Commission has rejected the inconsis  tent ideas about national dress code which have appeared in a section of the press, saying that the draft of the related bill has been made available to the commission members.In an interview with Fars news agency, Emad Afrough said, "We will seek the people's as well as the experts' views about the draft. "The draft bill on national dress code, which was compiled by Majlis Research Center, enjoys an acceptable framework and the MPs will review it after the commissioners complete their studies, he said.
Afrough further noted that once the bill becomes a law, the government will be obliged to design a dress to safeguard Islamic Iran's cultural identity, promote national dress models, supply clothes designed on the basis of domestic models to encourage people to shun western fashions and those which are incompatible with Iranian culture and national identity.
For more, click on photo
Posted in : 7:40 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005 |
LeapFrog unveils talking computer pen |
N EW YORK (Reuters) - LeapFrog Enterprises Inc. announced the launch of its FLY "pentop computer," a talking, computerized pen that can translate words into other languages, or help with math and spelling homework.
LeapFrog said the product will give users audio feedback as they write and draw on special FLY paper.
For instance, the company said a user can draw a calculator, touch the handwritten digits and functions to perform an operation, and then hear the answers announced.
LeapFrog said a group of children aged 8 to 13 helped to develop the product, and it will offer a range of applications for learning, communicating and playing. Emeryville, California-based LeapFrog has been plagued by weak sales and earnings misses, and recently said it relied too heavily on its LeapPad business.
The past year has hurt investor confidence in the company and it has made sweeping changes to its management team.
LeapFrog had been a Wall Street star since its 2002 initial public offering, but a string of dismal reports from the company hurt its credibility with investors, and its shares have taken a beating since October.
LeapPad is a junior-sized laptop system that holds interactive workbooks that teach skills like reading and math. The company makes educational toys for children from infants to high school students, but its focus has been on younger children. The company has said it wants to expand its product lines for older children and develop learning aids for adults. From here
Posted in : 1:32 AM
About the published geographic atlas by NGS : 7 |
Correction of unbelievable mistake of National Geography by that Institute was the important news of the past week. If remember, by reviewing the historical documents in this Site in a summarized and useful manner, I pointed out a published atlas which used false Arabian Gulf under the name of Persian Gulf Now they have only corrected it. Do you know that they were only going to run away the pressure of its shame and damages? You ask why? Because they have made this correction too in a formalism way. There is an integrated page in that site which is not possible to access via any part of the site. This is one of the public pages of the site. As I said it is integrated namely has no active link and it is not possible to use it as a news or informing link. After the mistake of applying Arabian Gulf, which destroyed its good previous efforts at least among Iranians, it was really the last confirmation for the existence of not so hidden hands and seems it is not going to be correctable.
Anyhow, all interests of the Institute affected in Iran and the entrance of its monthly magazine as well as its correspondents were prevented.
It seems that I must write another letter to him. Wait.
Color texts, is link.
Posted in : 1:20 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2005 |
Friday, January 07, 2005 |
French journalist missing in Iraq |
A journalist for the French daily Liberation has gone missing in Baghdad along with her Iraqi translator, the newspaper said.
"We have had no news from Florence Aubenas in over 24 hours," nor of her assistant, Hussein Hanoun Al-Saadi, the Paris-based paper said.
She and Saadi left their Baghdad hotel early on Wednesday but did not return and have not been seen since, it added...
Posted in : 11:46 PM
Thursday, January 06, 2005 |
Ragnar Ericsson |
Anders Ericsson still remembers the last words his 2-year-old son, Ragnar, spoke before being washed away in the waves of Thailand's tsunami.
"Daddy, I'm scared. Please help."
Ericsson's voice breaks as he tells of the tragedy. He is among many anguished parents searching for their children after the earthquake-triggered tsunamis swept through coastal communities from Thailand to East Africa on December 26, killing more than 155,000 people.
For more about him,Please click on photo...
Posted in : 4:57 PM
Wednesday, January 05, 2005 |
Picture Galleries and many Organizations helping for Tsunami |

Action Against Hunger 247 West 37th Street, Suite 1201 New York, N.Y. 10018 212-967-7800 x108 AJJDC American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee South Asia Tsunami Relief Box 321 847A Second Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 212-687-6200 ext. 851 AmeriCares 88 Hamilton Ave Stamford, CT 06902 800-486-4357 American Jewish World Service 45 West 36th Street, 10th Floor New York, N.Y. 10018 800-889-7146 American Friends Service Committee AFSC Crisis Fund 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19102 215-241-7000 American Red Cross International Response Fund P.O. Box 37243 Washington, D.C. 20013 800-HELP NOW Catholic Relief Services Tsunami Emergency P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore, Md. 21203-7090 800-736-3467 Direct Relief International 27 South La Patera Lane Santa Barbara, Calif. 93117 805-964-4767 Doctors Without Borders P.O. Box 1856 Merrifield, Va. 22116-8056 888-392-0392 Food for the Hungry Asia Quake Relief 1224 E. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85034 800-2-HUNGERS Earthquake/Tsunami Relief 1919 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 300 Santa Monica, Calif. 90404 800-481-4462 Southeast Asia Earthquake Response Dept. W P.O. Box 2669 Portland, Ore. 97208 800-852-2100 8320 Melrose Avenue, Suite 200 Los Angles, Calif. 90069 800-678-7255 Asian Earthquake Fund PO Box 1211 Albert Lea, MN 56007-1211 800-77-OXFAM Asia Earthquake/Tidal Wave Relief Fund 54 Wilton Road Westport, Conn. 06880 800-728-3843 Southeast Asia Earthquake Emergency P.O. Box 6098 Burbank, Calif. 91510 888-479-4968 General Emergency Fund 333 E. 38th Street New York, NY 10016 800-4-UNICEF SE Asia crisis 2501 Clark Ave, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27607 888-501-8440 P.O. Box 70288 Tacoma, WA 98481-0288 800-56-CHILD Asia Earthquake and Tsunami 19303 Fremont Avenue North Seattle, WA 98133 800-755-5022 2270-D Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-930-800
Posted in : 5:36 PM