TEHRAN, Jan. 17--Chairman of Majlis Cultural Commission has rejected the inconsis

tent ideas about national dress code which have appeared in a section of the press, saying that the draft of the related bill has been made available to the commission members.In an interview with Fars news agency, Emad Afrough said, "We will seek the people's as well as the experts' views about the draft.
"The draft bill on national dress code, which was compiled by Majlis Research Center, enjoys an acceptable framework and the MPs will review it after the commissioners complete their studies, he said.
Afrough further noted that once the bill becomes a law, the government will be obliged to design a dress to safeguard Islamic Iran's cultural identity, promote national dress models, supply clothes designed on the basis of domestic models to encourage people to shun western fashions and those which are incompatible with Iranian culture and national identity.
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